Our Fun Pasta Fundraiser is now live!!! Please support Three Village SEPTA! All proceeds go towards Student Scholarships and Events!! The pasta is not only delicious, but fun! Holiday, Sports, and Fun Shapes available. They also have Macaroni and Cheese, Chili, Soups and More!! Use this link to order- https://my.funpastafundraising.com/2024-fall-three-village-septa/three-village-septa/
More Great Events Coming Soon!!
For more information on Special Needs Scouting contact- Lisa.Kurtzrock@scouting.org
SEPTA is the Special Education PTA that represents children with Special Needs.
Three Village SEPTA brings together parents, teachers, administrators, learning specialists from Ward Melville, our High School, our 2 Junior Highs, and our 5 Elementary Schools, along with many others all with a true interest in the special education of children.Together, our mission is to improve and maintain the quality of Special Education for our children throughout our District Programs. Also, to support families of students in "out of district" placements, along with the further education, and future employment opportunities for all the special needs individuals in our community.
Three Village SEPTA meets regularly, throughout the school year, often with guest speakers, to help answer questions on topics of particular interest for special needs families. We also host special events and offer scholarships to graduating Ward MelvilleHigh School Students.
Please visit the Fundraising tab at the top of the page to find out how to provide contributions that go directly to support SEPTA initiatives, such as Ward Melville graduation scholarships and faculty grants awarded throughout the district to general education, resource room, health and special education classrooms.